Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rumor Mill

Hip-Hop Rumors: Beyonce Turned Down Kim Kardashian’s Bridesmaid Request?

Beyonce allegedly turned down Kim Kardashian’s request to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!

“While Beyonce plays nice with Kim, she finds her family unbearable. Beyonce doesn’t really care for the Kardashian family and she barely even talks to Kim, so she was shocked when she got a voicemail asking to be a bridesmaid,” a source told Shared media outlets.

Word is, Beyonce feels that Kim doesn’t really care about how close a friend people are, it’s more about their name.

This sounds believable enough but I don’t believe it. Beyonce kept her own wedding secret so I don’t see her being eager to appear in someone else’s as part of the bridal party, unless it’s Solange or maybe Kelly or Michelle and even the latter two are a stretch.
Anyway, RumorFix says they reached out to a Kardashian rep who said the story is false.
Then again, would any publicist admit humiliation on Kim’s part?
What do you think?

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